Michael Simon's Favorite Links Here are a few cool and relevant sites. I'll be adding to these. I welcome suggestions. Promotional Video on YouTube for my Virtual Book Tour Article about me and THE LAST JEW STANDING, by Jeff Salamon, formerly of the Village Voice. You may have to answer some questions, but they'll let you read the article for free. (Note the comment he makes way at the bottom about journalist Patrick Beach appearing in the book.) Booklist Keir Graff?s Booklist Review of my current thriller Bookgasm Bruce Grossman?s Review on Rod Lott?s site The Page 69 Test My contribution to Marshal Zeringue's literary challenge Mysterious Bookshop One of the two finest crime bookstores in lower Manhattan. Lots of mail order, signed books, etc. Seattle Mystery Bookshop Lunchtime author appearances, for when you just can't wait. Partners & Crime One of New York City's four great crime fiction stores. Site of my very first reading. (My literary bar mitzvah.) Murder by the Book In Houston, a great collection in a cool atmosphere. Book People The largest independent bookstore in Austin, Texas. Just walking around inside makes you smarter. The Poisoned Pen In the Phoenix area, almost nightly author appearances and a massive mail order operation. Library Thing Interesting site. People compare their books, talk about them, review them. This page has a cool picture of me, and credits me for two books I didn?t even write. Mystery Bookstore In L.A., the crime fiction store at the end of the universe. |