If you’ve visited here before you’ll notice I’ve re-vamped my website. But that's how I am, always changing, always moving forward. (You can tell by my photo, that I’m a freewheeling, hard-living, crime-fighting guy. And that I read newspapers. Not this one. It’s backwards. But other newspapers.)

I myself can barely find a web site, much less revamp one, but I have people to do that and they tell me it’s done. It includes audio and video clips, reviews, favorite links, and a way contact me directly.

And you can read excerpts from my Texas chronicles, four thrillers featuring Dan Reles, a half-Jewish, New York Mafia-born police detective in Texas during the rise of the Bush regime. In the latest book, The Last Jew Standing, Dan’s ex-con father shows up on Dan’s doorstep with a runaway Russian prostitute in tow and a psychotic mob boss on his tail.

The fiery result is what Thomas Kelly, author of Empire Rising, called “a great rollicking yarn about good guys and bad guys in many splendid shades of gray.” Kevin Baker, author of Dreamland and Striver’s Row called it “a terrific detective story, smart, dark, and acidly funny.” Read on…


© Michael Simon. All rights reserved. Site designed by Kevin Che.